Posted on May 27, 2014


Easy-jtag 1 year Birthday update. Boom & Exclusive Update.

YES. Most wanted solution for n7100,i9300.

Now you can repair 90% of all bad EMMC VTU00M.

First in the world

We have done our next big solution:

  • Repair EMMC VTU00M rev 0x56, name:0000 repair!!! (intermal firmware emmc fix) – repair stage 1
  • Repair EMMC VTU00M rev 0xF1 not operable for read and write operation (intermal firmware emmc fix) – repair stage 2

VTU00M with name 0000 repair require two stages:

  • repair mode 1 can recover emmc name
  • repair mode 2 can recover emmc normal read/write functionality

between those two modes emmc require reconnect power


if you have VTU00M with non damaged name but not operable for read/write only repair mode 2 need to do.

After press ‘VTU00M repair’ all related operation for repair or selection repair mode 1 or repair mode 2 will apply automatically

just read carefully log when requested EMMC power reconnect.

After success repair (when repair mode 2 done) emmc vtu00m can be checked with S.M.A.R.T report function

If smart report is normal and not invalid emmc i fully operable!!!

Just change correct rom2/rpmb size if needed

Make emmc bootable (set boot config 0x48, boot bus config 0x1)

Write rom1 and rom2 partition and phone are ready for odin flashing


P.S. vtu00m emmc with ‘ready timeout error’ can not be recovered anymore – totally dead EMMC.

P.S2 . Easy-jtag users, lets make money.

If you not have easy-jtag, make oder EASY-JTAG from your resellers today!!!!

Poll up your dead EMMC VTU00M.

P.S3. Someone still think exist BETTER and FASTER EMMC TOOL in market?

Software DL Mirror LINK


Public discussion LINK


FACTS: We are 10 time faster than the competition, we can write at 4M/s while other can barely reach 900K/s.

FACTS: We offer reliable and tested solutions while others competitors sending bugfix parts for non working hardware 😉

FACTS: Our hardware work in all modern OS ( 32 and 64bit ) while competitors unable make X64 drivers 😉